Advance Ruling in the matter of Unique Welding Products Pvt. Ltd. vs. GST AAR Gujarat, which deals with the eligibility of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on the installation and commissioning of a roof-top solar system.
Unique Welding Products Pvt. Ltd. is a manufacturer and seller of welding wires, registered under the CGST Act
The company installed a 440 KW roof-top solar system on its factory roof for captive power generation, using the generated electricity solely for manufacturing within the same premises. He sought an advance Ruling for Eligibility of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on the installation and commissioning of a roof-top solar system under the Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Act, 2017.
Applicant Installed a 440 KW roof-top solar system for captive power generation.
Company seeks an advance ruling for eligibility of ITC under sections 16 and 17 of the CGST Act.
Company raised questions on ITC eligibility for the purchased solar system and whether it qualifies as plant and machinery.
The roof-top solar system is not permanently fastened to the building, making it distinct from immovable property.
Eligibility for ITC: Unique Welding Products Pvt. Ltd. is eligible to avail ITC on the roof-top solar system with installation & commissioning under the CGST/GGST Act.
Plant and Machinery Status: The roof-top solar system, with installation and commissioning, constitutes plant and machinery for the applicant, making it eligible for ITC under section 17( 5) of the CGST/GGST Act.
The ruling provides clarity on ITC eligibility for businesses investing in roof-top solar systems. The distinction between immovable property and plant and machinery, along with references to relevant sections and previous rulings, contributes to a comprehensive understanding of tax implications for sustainable energy installations.